Jaffa Punch | Jaffa Fruit

Jaffa Punch

  • 1 x Jaffa Orange
  • 1 x Jaffa Easy Peeler
  • 1 x Lemon
  • 8 x Cloves
  • 2 x Star Anise
  • 1 x Cinnamon Stick
  • 4 x TBSP Caster Sugar
  • ½ x TBSP Honey
  • ½ x TSP Ground Ginger
  • 1L Cold Water
  • 175ml Fruit Cordial
  1. Slice the Jaffa orange into quarters and then slice, repeat with the lemon
  2. Stud the Easy Peeler with cloves then put all the ingredients together into a large pan and add a litre of cold water
  3. Stir and leave to simmer for 15 to 20 minutes
  4. Once infused, taste the liquid and add more honey or sugar if necessary
  5. Remember to remove the cinnamon stick and star anise before serving
  6. Enjoy!