Jaffa Orange Sorbet | Jaffa Fruit

Jaffa Orange Sorbet

  • 10 x Jaffa Oranges
  • Mint Sprigs
  • 128g Sugar
  • 80ml Fresh Lemon Juice
  • 600ml Water
  1. Carefully remove rind from 2 Jaffa Oranges, discard white pith
  2. Cut the rind into ΒΌ inch thick strips
  3. Cut the peeled Jaffa oranges in half and juice them, repeat with remaining Jaffa oranges
  4. Combine the water and sugar in a small saucepan, bring to a boil.
  5. Add rind strips to pan
  6. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes
  7. Strain sugar mixture through a mesh sieve over a bowl, discard peel
  8. Cool completely
  9. Add the Jaffa orange juice and lemon juice to sugar mixture stirring well
  10. Pour mixture into a freezer-safe container – Cover and freeze for 1 hour until firm
  11. Enjoy!