Jaffa Orange Popcorn | Jaffa Fruit

Jaffa Orange Popcorn

  • 2 x Jaffa Orange
  • 60ml Coconut Oil
  • 100g Corn Kernels
  • 30g Butter
  1. Heat the coconut oil in a large heavy based saucepan on a medium to high heat
  2. Add the corn kernels to the saucepan and put the lid on quickly
  3. Shake the saucepan to keep the corn kernels moving in the oil and to prevent burning
  4. The popping will become rapid and then slow to a pop every 3 seconds or so
  5. Once the popping has stopped pour into a large heatproof container
  6. Zest and juice the Jaffa Oranges
  7. Melt the butter in a small saucepan, stir in the orange zest and orange juice
  8. Using a spoon sprinkle onto the prepared popcorn stirring as you go
  9. Enjoy!