Discover the allure of Jaffa Sweet Reds – nature’s crimson jewel with a tangy-sweet twist! Uncover their secret: rich anthocyanins that deliver vibrant color and antioxidant power.
Dive into their bold flavour and savour the journey – from juicy slices to refreshing juices, every bite is a burst of citrus magic!
You can buy Jaffa Sweet Reds at certain times of the year!
Fun fact: Jaffa Sweet Reds are an Anthocyanin Powerhouse! Jaffa Sweet Reds get their distinctive red color from anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant pigment typically found in berries and flowers. This unique compound not only gives them their striking appearance but also offers potential health benefits.
Keep your Jaffa Sweet Reds in the fridge for maximum freshness and enjoy that just picked taste every time!
Find your favourite Jaffa Sweet Reds in the Citrus aisle of your local Tesco, or online at!